1 tarde, 2 sesiones! by Michael Raphan

On a recent, very hot Saturday afternoon, I sandwiched two photo sessions back to back: First, I arrived at the Casa de Campo just outside Madrid at 5:30PM for a multi-generational family session that included (a) a newborn (b) a toddler (c) a late-term pregnancy (d) grandparents (e) two adult brothers and their wives. Here are a few of my favorite shots:

A walk with Mom.

A walk with Mom.

Baby #2 on the way.

Baby #2 on the way.

New parents.

New parents.



Proud abuelos.

Proud abuelos.

The whole gang.

The whole gang.

By 7PM, I was hustling back to my car to make sure I'd make my next appointment on time. I took the A-6 highway to a Las Rozas neighborhood called "La Marazuela." I chose this location because my next clients, a soon-to-be-married couple doing a "preboda" shoot, would be bringing their puppy with them and I wanted an open space with as few passersby as possible. We planned for sunset, but the sun sets so late in Madrid during late May (9:45PM) that it ended up being more of a late afternoon look with the sun still hitting us pretty hard. Here are some of my favorite shots:

La familia
Go Rocky go!

Go Rocky go!

Sunset kiss.

Sunset kiss.

Te quiero.

Te quiero.

Come to Papa.

Come to Papa.





Preboda en Torrelodones! by Michael Raphan

I recently had the pleasure of bringing the lovely, soon-to-be-wed Leticia and Bosco to my hometown of Torrelodones in the northwest suburbs of Madrid. I had been itching for a chance to exploit the beautiful & diverse natural landscape I see on a daily basis, and am definitely pleased with the results.

The photos were taken at the Embalse de Los Peñascales and up near the Atalaya de Torrelodones, just before sunset.

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